Sunday 17 March 2013

D.I.Y. - Ganti Washer Getah Windshield

Bagi yang sudah menggunakan Maxsym lebih dari lima atau enam bulan, ada masanya kita boleh dengar bunyi geseran seperti ada yang longgar di sekitar meter atau compartment depan. Lazimnya, kita berkesimpulan ada komponen yang longgar di bahagian dalam coverset. Bunyi demikian begitu ketara sekali apabila Maxsym bergerak dari statik dan memecut ke kelajuan tertentu.

Sebenarnya, punca bunyi berkenaan bukan dari bahagian yang difikirkan tetapi dari visor windshield.

Windshield Maxsym diikat ketatkan melalui enam batang screw dan bagi setiap lubang ada washer besi dan juga washer getah. Biasanya selepas tempoh tertentu, washer getah berkenaan akan mengeras atas beberapa faktor seperti terdedah kepada cuaca dan seterusnya terkoyak atau mengecut sekaligus menyebabkan screw pengikat berkenaan longgar dan menerbitkan bunyi ala geseran atau gegaran yang tidak berapa disenangi.

Anda boleh mengatasi masalah ini sendiri melalui kaedah D.I,.Y. namun terlebih dahulu anda perlu  membeli alat ganti washer getah berkenaan di service centre dengan harga RM12 untuk satu set enam washer getah

Anda perlu membuka cover palstic garnish windshield berkenaan dan kemudiannya membuka enam screw yang disebutkan tadi.

Kemudian tanggalkan washer getah yang telah rosak samada mengumpilnya menggunakan screw driver ataupun playar.

Masukkan balik washer getah baru dan pasang balik komponen windshield berkenaan.

Langkah pilihan tambahan yang boleh dilakukan untuk memanjangkan jangka hayat washer getah berkenaan ialah dengan menambah lapik washer getah tambahan seperti gambar di bawah.

Washer tambahan itu sebenarnya mudah didapati di kedai-kedai Harfware ataupun kedai D.I.Y.

Lekatkan atau lapikkan dulu washer tambahan berkenaan dan kemudiannya pasang balik windshield.

Apabila mengetatkan balik screw pada lubang windshield berkenaan, jangan mengikat terlalu ketat kerana ia boleh menyebabkan keretakan kepada mounting hole di windshield berkenaan.

Selamat Mencuba

Those who have owned a Maxsym for more than five months or above may have experienced some irritating noise due to vibrations from the meter cluster or front compartment area. Normally we would assume that the irritating sound eminates from the inner xover set area. The sound is also very pronounced when you are accelerating from standstill up to a certain speed.

That irritating sound actually came from the visor windshield mounting.

Maxsym visor windshield is secured by six nuts with a cylindrical washer and rubber mountings. Narmally after certain period, the rubber mounting becomes hardened and started to tear off or shrunk due to various factors such as being exposed to weather conditions hence resulting the the metal washer on the mounting screw becoming loose.

You can fix this problem by D.I,.Y, but first you need to purchased the set consisting of six rubber mounting replacement parts from your local service service and parts dealer.

First dismatle the plastic garnish cover by unscrewing two screws located under the cover and then unscrew the six nuts that fasten the windshiel to the metal frame.

Then removed the damaged rubber mountings by using a screw driver or a plyer and insert the new ones, and install it back.

Alternatively, you can also add extra rubber mountings or washer to extend the rubber mountings life span. Those rubber washer are easily obtainable at you local hardware or D.I.Y. store.

Place the rubber washer on top of the screw holes at the metal frame, then install the visor windshield and fasten back the nuts.

Be extra carefull not to over tighten the nuts with excessive force as it can damage for instance cracked the plastic mounting holes on the windshield.